Hope Clinic depends on generous donations from individuals, churches, businesses and foundations to carry out the mission to make quality healthcare available to our underserved neighbors. Here are examples of what your dollars do for Hope patients.
Any donation is a blessing, but if you are able to give monthly, that predictable income allows us to plan for the future. Check out the many giving options below and thank you!
Did you know that without access to affordable healthcare,
many people do without crucial exams, bloodwork and medications?
Places like Hope Clinic step into that gap, giving the gift of health.
Please give if you are able.
Gift Cards
Purchase $25 gift cards at HEB, Target, or Walmart. These are given to patients who are struggling with food access in addition to medical needs. Dollar Tree cards are used to purchase toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap and other hygiene items given to patients in a Care Bag. Use the Contact Us page or call us at 512-766-9979 to set up delivery.
Follow & Share
Help build our online presence by following on Instagram and Facebook. Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter. Share our story with your church, your organization and your family and friends. We are always looking to make new connections and would love to speak to groups or individuals who would like to know more about our mission.
Enterprise Zone Tax Credit
Thank you for supporting Hope Clinic. Your generosity is making a difference by providing accessible healthcare to underserved neighbors. Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Hope Clinic/Get Up Project is a 501c3 organization (45-4931906).